Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haunted Hike whhhhhoooooo

On a dark an crisp evening is a small settlement called Fredericton the cubs went ghost hunting......

We started with an expert guide......

but he ran away and the friendly ghost of a jester help us along......

Unfortunately a crazy scientist knock him out to harvest his body parts so we went with her instead...

we saw ghosts near Issacs Way, until .....

a vampire killed her and wanted to show us some things,.......

She nearly ate one of the cubs but luckly we were near a church and she ran away.....


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Haunted Hike Information

Next week we will be linking with another cub pack, and hoping to spot some ghosts whhhoohhohohhoh.......

What: Haunted Hike with New Maryland Cub Pack
Where: Gallery 78, 796 Queen Street in the parking lot.
Cost: $5
Parents: Adults wishing to join may do so. The cost is $10.
Gear: good walking footwear, water bottle, dress warm

Drop off - 6:30pm sharp! at Gallery 78
Pick up- 8pm at Gallery 78

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Canadian Heritage Walk

Tonight we went for a walk on Fredericton's great trail system. We did some community service picking up garbage (rubbish) as we walked along learning about ...

the Canadian trails system and the contributors shelter downtown (what's missing on the map in there??? the cubs know :P ),

.... Boss Gibson and his contributions to the NB rail network including the now re purposed railway bridge.

We now know about the turning section of the bridge and what boats used to use the river.

We even had time for some one legged races and photo opps :P

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Drugs and Safety Awareness

This week the Cubs and Scouts were visited by the Police.

They weren't in trouble but instead recived useful infomation regarding Drugs and Safety 

Different example of drugs they should be aware of.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Investiture Camp

The sun was out for the entire weekend and all that attended had a great time building shelters and lots more.......

I wonder what there all looking at ???????

I never realised bottled water was that exciting :P

Building the shelter with Scouter Dave taking orders from the Cubs.

Home Time :( but I'm sure there's another camp soon :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Investiture Camp Infomation

Information regarding the upcoming camp is under the new 'Information' tab just above. if there is anything you would like added to the site just email us :)