Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers will be taking part in the Santa Parade on Saturday, November 27th. We will be hiking.
Please sign up with your section leader before hand to let us know if you are planning on attending.
Youth are asked to dress in warm winter coats, snow pants, mittens, hat, campfire blankets, and bring their walking sticks.
Comfortable walking footwear is a must. Festive hats are great if they cover your ears!
You may bring your night vision, (red light) head gear/flashlight if you wish. We will be singing songs and hiking.
Small hand held musical instruments, are ok to bring if you wish to carry them the whole time.
Sorry, no pets are allowed to participate at scouting events due to safety reasons.
We realize it is a long walk for Beavers, however they are welcome to join for as long as they can.
For Scouts and Cubs, this counts towards badge work, so we do expect you to go the distance.
It also counts towards your Council Commissioners Outdoor Challenge Award.
Hope to see everyone there.
Jean Anne Cameron-Loi
Group Commissioner
5th Fredericton
More info below:
1.Parade Route: Southside - Parade will form up on the F’ton Exhibition grounds, exit on Saunders, left on Smythe, right on King down to Regent, left at Queen, traveling up Queen past the Royal Canadian Legion to Point Saint Anne Drive, finishing back at the exhibition grounds where the parade will disembark.
2.Arrival Time: 4:15-4:30 p.m.at the Exhibition grounds.
3.Parade Start Time: Sharp 5:00 p.m.
4.Placement: Numbers will be assigned prior to parade day and each entry will be contacted as to when to arrive. Check your email for our "Number" so you will have an idea where to meet us at the Exhibition grounds or call 292-2102 when you arrive on site.